Tuesday, December 29, 2009

T.V. and Cable

So now they want to charge extra for television channels that we have been getting free for ever. I guess it would make sense if they had anything worth watching, or if they could show the content of cable after a certain time. The laugh-track crap they pay all that money for isn't worth a squat. If prices continue to outpace my income, well I don't watch a lot of t.v. now, I am sure I could cancel cable. I for one am getting sick of being held hostage by these companies. 100 channels of crap and maybe 10 actually worth having. What would you companies do if people boycott your product for a few months to a year. Nothing wrong with a little civil disobedience. LONG LIVE PEOPLE CHOICE!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Best Buy Ad for12/13 thru 12/19

It was nice of Best Buy to recognize Hanukkah on the front of their ad paper. Not a mention of any other holiday that may be here or going to happen before the next ad paper comes out. Thank you Best Buy. Get your head out of your ass!

I am not against religion, but recognize all!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan

So disgraced, murderer Maj. Hasan is crying because he claims the military won't let him pray in Arabic with his family. BOOHOO! Did he give his victims a chance to pray? Did he give them a chance to say goodbyes? As far as I recall Religion has no place in the courts. Hasan gave up his freedoms when he started pulling the trigger. So what kinda crap is his attorney trying to pull? Galligan is trying for what? Does he think it will create a dismissal? The people that were murdered are the victims and these 2 clowns are trying to say that Hasan is a victim. He created what happened and now he wants sympathy? Don't think its gonna happen. Get your head out of your ass!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Net Neutrality

A nice site explaining Net Neutrality http://www.keepourwebfree.org/. Visit this if you are concerned about the Government stepping in on more of your life.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gitmo Prisoners

WOW! Governor Grabmoney dropped the ball again. Michigan couldn't even put up 1oo prisoners from Gitmo. More money going to another State while you continue to put people out of work. What's next on your list? Right, your high priority on putting deposit money on bottled water and juices. Or is it to figure out a new tax the Unemployment State can pick up for you? Just because some of us have decided to stay in the Unemployment State don't mean you have to penalize us for that choice. Go after the people and businesses that left the Unemployment State and leave the rest of us alone.

Monday, December 14, 2009

On the news

I was watching a segment on the local news this morning. They were talking about all the tech jobs available across the river in Canada. Which I thought was pretty good. But the comment made by one of the people in the interview really threw me for a loop, or just wonder if this is the way Canadiens think. This is what was said,"I only hire people with a college degree. They are the only one's that are versatile and easy to trane."

I think we have another candidate for the Head Up His Ass Award. I wish I could have caught the name of the company and this ass clowns name. I can truly only speak for myself, but when I started working in Nuclear Power Facilities, when I was 18 and no college degree, I worked my way up to a supervisor spot in less than 10 years. When I left Nuclear work and went to the Automotive Industry, I went from no idea to assembly technician to machine operator to a job setter. Still no college degree.

If only people with college degrees are so versatile and easy to trane, then why are they in the same mess as those of us that didn't get a college degree? We all adapt to our environment. If we don't we die. Unless, maybe if your Canadien.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Smoking in Michigan

As I am sure, well if you care, the smoking ban was voted in. The idiots in Lansing have put a few more nails in the coffins of the smaller bars. Yet they excuse the freaking money stealing casinos. So come May 1, 2010 is the day our elected idiots cut some more businesses out of the big picture.

My youngest daughter, who by the way doesn't smoke, said"Do them morons realize what they are doing to this state? The economy sux and they want to keep people from the bowling alleys, bars and other places they go and spend money."

Well glory be! We have one of the highest taxes on tobacco and now we can't even smoke! All I can say is that you have added another nail.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Michigan SUX

It seems like once again the Michigan Anti-Trust wants to screw with more stuff. They can't balance a budget. They can't keep jobs in this state. They can't vote down a pay raise. What can they do? They want to join the trend of No Smoking in the work place. But they want to exempt Casinos and Smoking Lounges. What sense does this make? About as much sense as having Govenor Grab Money in office. It should be ALL or NONE! Leave it to the business owners discretion. Government is already exceding its power and authority.

When I worked at one of the so called Big Three, they had a no smoking policy. What a joke! Considering they did nothing to improve the air quality. Half the time you couldn't see down the aisleways because of the coolant and metal dust. The coolant pits reeked, but, hey NO SMOKING in the plant.

With the state of the economy in Michigan at this moment I feel Govenor Grab Money has bigger issues. Unemployment at an all time high. Peoples insurance running out. Foreclosures up the ying yang. People getting robbed and murdered. Suicides and homicides because of people loosing everything they worked so hard for.

But no, let us raise taxes and ban smoking in the work place. My God! Get your heads out of your asses and do something right for a change. CHANGE FOR THE RIGHT!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hope all had a Happy Thanksgiving.

On Thanksgiving Thursday me and a friend went to the Lions game. As if parking in Detroit isn't bad enuff, go to a game when there is a parade. Anyway, we made it in just after kick off. Well we were in our seats and the drink vendors are doing their thing, selling $4 pops and waters along with $8 beers. A little pricey if you ask me. If the price isn't bad enuff the vendors were basically demanding tips. WTF! Since when is it proper to DEMAND a tip? Isn't that a patrons choice? I was totally shocked, as were the other people sitting around us. It is bad enuff that you have to battle the beggars and other riff raff on your way to the stadium but to have vendors DEMAND a tip. What can be done to stop this kind of attack?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What issue

I really don't understand what the issue is with a national health insurance. People on welfare have better insurance than I do. I have no insurance, no job, unemployment does not supply insurance. Maybe some people should step out of their cocoon and have a reality check. You don't have a problem taking my tax money to bail out companies to give ungodly parties and raises to people that don't deserve them. But I guess an elitist is entitled to step on those around them by taking and never giving.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In Honor

As today is Veterans Day in The United States of America, just a little reminder.

God Bless the men and women that have served, are serving and will serve in the future both at home and abroad.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nice little email I received


Please read and act, only takes a minute!

On Tuesday, the Senate health committee voted 12-11 in favor of a
two-page amendment courtesy of Republican Tom Coburn that would
require all Members and their staffs to enroll in any new
government-run health plan. It took me less than a minute to sign up
to require our congressmen and senators to drink at the same trough!
Three cheers for Congressman John Fleming of Louisiana !
Congressman John Fleming ( Louisiana physician) has proposed an
amendment that would require congressmen and senators to take the same
healthcare plan they force on us (under proposed legislation they are
curiously exempt).

Congressman Fleming is encouraging people to go on his Website and
sign his petition (very simple - just first, last and email). I have
immediately done just that at:
Please urge as many people as you can to do the same!
If Congress forces this on the American people, the Congressmen should
have to accept the same level of health care for themselves and their
families. To do otherwise is the height of hypocrisy!
Please pass this on!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

More on the mortgage

Like I said, I called the mortgage company on Oct. 26th and left a voice mail. Called again on Nov. 3rd. Sent an e-mail to the proper person and lo and behold on Nov. 5th, still no response. Are they that preoccupied? Maybe they should hire more people to work through this. Or is it that they just want my home? I don't have any idea since they haven't responded yet.

Just a little thought on Chryslers new plan. The corporation is on its 4th owner since 1998, and all they want to do is shut down factories and move operations south of the border or overseas. They cut out the American worker, where I see this is the biggest market for them, and complain about sales. Hm...no job equals no money. With all the changes you do why not look inside and check your management and engineers.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So like I said before, I am currently unemployed. So I have been trying to work with my mortgage company. Yeah, like that does any good. Received a denial letter last Thursday, called to talk to an advisor, here it is Tuesday and still no call back. Just like Big Business, my tax money goes to bail them out and I lose more. Justice in the country is going in the wrong direction. Bail out the Big Companies and leave the little people with the bill. Thank you Mr. President.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Why is it when I apply for a new job I have to be subject to drug testing?
Just out of curiosity, does our elected officials submit to the same standard? Do the fine people that receive Public Assistance have to submit to drug testing?

What this tells me is that I cannot have a job unless I am subject to drug testing, and unless I pass I can't have a job. Which in turn means I can't pay taxes to help support the Elected Officials and Public Assistance folks.

What a backwards process.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

My first

Hello and Happy Halloween to all.
I would like to kinda introduce myself. Ed here, early 4o's. Married, father of 2 wonderful daughters and the latest addition of a grandson.

Currently looking for work. As if I am the only 1?

More to come.