Monday, December 14, 2009

On the news

I was watching a segment on the local news this morning. They were talking about all the tech jobs available across the river in Canada. Which I thought was pretty good. But the comment made by one of the people in the interview really threw me for a loop, or just wonder if this is the way Canadiens think. This is what was said,"I only hire people with a college degree. They are the only one's that are versatile and easy to trane."

I think we have another candidate for the Head Up His Ass Award. I wish I could have caught the name of the company and this ass clowns name. I can truly only speak for myself, but when I started working in Nuclear Power Facilities, when I was 18 and no college degree, I worked my way up to a supervisor spot in less than 10 years. When I left Nuclear work and went to the Automotive Industry, I went from no idea to assembly technician to machine operator to a job setter. Still no college degree.

If only people with college degrees are so versatile and easy to trane, then why are they in the same mess as those of us that didn't get a college degree? We all adapt to our environment. If we don't we die. Unless, maybe if your Canadien.

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