Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Michigan SUX

It seems like once again the Michigan Anti-Trust wants to screw with more stuff. They can't balance a budget. They can't keep jobs in this state. They can't vote down a pay raise. What can they do? They want to join the trend of No Smoking in the work place. But they want to exempt Casinos and Smoking Lounges. What sense does this make? About as much sense as having Govenor Grab Money in office. It should be ALL or NONE! Leave it to the business owners discretion. Government is already exceding its power and authority.

When I worked at one of the so called Big Three, they had a no smoking policy. What a joke! Considering they did nothing to improve the air quality. Half the time you couldn't see down the aisleways because of the coolant and metal dust. The coolant pits reeked, but, hey NO SMOKING in the plant.

With the state of the economy in Michigan at this moment I feel Govenor Grab Money has bigger issues. Unemployment at an all time high. Peoples insurance running out. Foreclosures up the ying yang. People getting robbed and murdered. Suicides and homicides because of people loosing everything they worked so hard for.

But no, let us raise taxes and ban smoking in the work place. My God! Get your heads out of your asses and do something right for a change. CHANGE FOR THE RIGHT!

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