Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hope all had a Happy Thanksgiving.

On Thanksgiving Thursday me and a friend went to the Lions game. As if parking in Detroit isn't bad enuff, go to a game when there is a parade. Anyway, we made it in just after kick off. Well we were in our seats and the drink vendors are doing their thing, selling $4 pops and waters along with $8 beers. A little pricey if you ask me. If the price isn't bad enuff the vendors were basically demanding tips. WTF! Since when is it proper to DEMAND a tip? Isn't that a patrons choice? I was totally shocked, as were the other people sitting around us. It is bad enuff that you have to battle the beggars and other riff raff on your way to the stadium but to have vendors DEMAND a tip. What can be done to stop this kind of attack?

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