Thursday, November 5, 2009

More on the mortgage

Like I said, I called the mortgage company on Oct. 26th and left a voice mail. Called again on Nov. 3rd. Sent an e-mail to the proper person and lo and behold on Nov. 5th, still no response. Are they that preoccupied? Maybe they should hire more people to work through this. Or is it that they just want my home? I don't have any idea since they haven't responded yet.

Just a little thought on Chryslers new plan. The corporation is on its 4th owner since 1998, and all they want to do is shut down factories and move operations south of the border or overseas. They cut out the American worker, where I see this is the biggest market for them, and complain about sales. job equals no money. With all the changes you do why not look inside and check your management and engineers.

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