Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hope all had a Happy Thanksgiving.

On Thanksgiving Thursday me and a friend went to the Lions game. As if parking in Detroit isn't bad enuff, go to a game when there is a parade. Anyway, we made it in just after kick off. Well we were in our seats and the drink vendors are doing their thing, selling $4 pops and waters along with $8 beers. A little pricey if you ask me. If the price isn't bad enuff the vendors were basically demanding tips. WTF! Since when is it proper to DEMAND a tip? Isn't that a patrons choice? I was totally shocked, as were the other people sitting around us. It is bad enuff that you have to battle the beggars and other riff raff on your way to the stadium but to have vendors DEMAND a tip. What can be done to stop this kind of attack?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What issue

I really don't understand what the issue is with a national health insurance. People on welfare have better insurance than I do. I have no insurance, no job, unemployment does not supply insurance. Maybe some people should step out of their cocoon and have a reality check. You don't have a problem taking my tax money to bail out companies to give ungodly parties and raises to people that don't deserve them. But I guess an elitist is entitled to step on those around them by taking and never giving.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In Honor
As today is Veterans Day in The United States of America, just a little reminder.

God Bless the men and women that have served, are serving and will serve in the future both at home and abroad.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nice little email I received


Please read and act, only takes a minute!

On Tuesday, the Senate health committee voted 12-11 in favor of a
two-page amendment courtesy of Republican Tom Coburn that would
require all Members and their staffs to enroll in any new
government-run health plan. It took me less than a minute to sign up
to require our congressmen and senators to drink at the same trough!
Three cheers for Congressman John Fleming of Louisiana !
Congressman John Fleming ( Louisiana physician) has proposed an
amendment that would require congressmen and senators to take the same
healthcare plan they force on us (under proposed legislation they are
curiously exempt).

Congressman Fleming is encouraging people to go on his Website and
sign his petition (very simple - just first, last and email). I have
immediately done just that at:,55
Please urge as many people as you can to do the same!
If Congress forces this on the American people, the Congressmen should
have to accept the same level of health care for themselves and their
families. To do otherwise is the height of hypocrisy!
Please pass this on!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

More on the mortgage

Like I said, I called the mortgage company on Oct. 26th and left a voice mail. Called again on Nov. 3rd. Sent an e-mail to the proper person and lo and behold on Nov. 5th, still no response. Are they that preoccupied? Maybe they should hire more people to work through this. Or is it that they just want my home? I don't have any idea since they haven't responded yet.

Just a little thought on Chryslers new plan. The corporation is on its 4th owner since 1998, and all they want to do is shut down factories and move operations south of the border or overseas. They cut out the American worker, where I see this is the biggest market for them, and complain about sales. job equals no money. With all the changes you do why not look inside and check your management and engineers.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So like I said before, I am currently unemployed. So I have been trying to work with my mortgage company. Yeah, like that does any good. Received a denial letter last Thursday, called to talk to an advisor, here it is Tuesday and still no call back. Just like Big Business, my tax money goes to bail them out and I lose more. Justice in the country is going in the wrong direction. Bail out the Big Companies and leave the little people with the bill. Thank you Mr. President.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Why is it when I apply for a new job I have to be subject to drug testing?
Just out of curiosity, does our elected officials submit to the same standard? Do the fine people that receive Public Assistance have to submit to drug testing?

What this tells me is that I cannot have a job unless I am subject to drug testing, and unless I pass I can't have a job. Which in turn means I can't pay taxes to help support the Elected Officials and Public Assistance folks.

What a backwards process.