Wednesday, February 24, 2010


In this once great state known as Michigan or the Rust Belt, we had jobs of all types. Now it is the Unemployment State. And yes I am caught in that web, and there is somethings I just can't get a handle on. Like trying to call the unemployment office. You can call 1-866-500-0017 for weeks at a time and get a hang up response. Please try your call later...Click. That is so helpful when you have all these people unemployed. Maybe you should hire some operators. Get some phones answered, get some people working. But wait, we can't do that because we are already giving people furllow days. Instead of that have them answer phones. We have what? 1million people after 19000 jobs? When was the last time the clowns in Lansing(I think that is still our Capital? Or is it Detroit?) anyway when was the last time they had to file for unemployment and try to get information? That's right they don't use the same number we do. Elections are coming soon and some of you loafers will go away. Maybe the next crew will have a bit more common sense. ROFLMAO!

So anyway I will continue to call a number that does automatic hangups. Because they have a job to do and us unemployed slugs might interrupt their coffee break.

Along with this they came up with a wonderful program called miworks. Nifty name for those that work there. Kind of ironic for those that don't have jobs. Great group though, file for unemployment, print up everything you need, fill out your resume, then go to miworks and do it all over again. We need proof! BULLSHIT FLAG! Since we are unemployed we have time for you ass clowns to mess with us. More red tape and redundancy than ever before.

How I wish our ELECTED unofficials could taste the life they expect us to live. Step down off your throne and walk with your constituents. Get a reality check and listen to the people who put you there. Not just the big business, they can,t vote you in, but they can buy your vote. A legalized criminal organization, sounds a little MAFIOSO to me.

Just to bad no one will read this. I would love to hear some comments.

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